本公司代理日本YAMAMOTO VINITA 公司生产的THERMOTRON-RF8超高速电磁波肿瘤治疗机(每秒极性转换800万次),该产品创新性的开创了治疗癌症的新途径,利用电磁波借助非电离辐射物理因子的热效应原理来治疗肿瘤疾病,在治疗过程中不产生副作用,可以说是当今最安全的肿瘤治疗方法,也使得病患除了选择手术、放疗及化疗以外又多了一种新的治疗途径。
The company acting Japan YAMAMOTO VINITA company produces the THERMOTRON - RF8 ultra-high-speed electromagnetic tumor therapy apparatus (polarity conversion 8 million times per second), the product innovation created a new way for the treatment of cancer, using electromagnetic wave with the aid of non-ionizing radiation heating principle of physical factors to treat tumor, do not produce side effects in the treatment process, is arguably the most safe tumor treatments, also makes the patients in addition to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and a new treatment approach.