
    Shanghai nord science and technology development co., ltd. and Shanghai institute of paediatric medicine signed the third triad prenatal screening. The value of prenatal screening in prenatal diagnosis in the second trimester. Methods: prenatal screening was conducted in 10000 pregnant women from 16 to 20 weeks in October 2009 to detect serum levels of alpha fetoprotein (AFP), free HCG and free estriol (E3). Pregnant women at high risk underwent amniocentesis and chromosome karyotype examination of amniotic fluid cells to confirm the diagnosis. High risk cases of down syndrome (DS) were screened and confirmed by chromosome karyotype analysis of amniotic fluid cells. 18-trisomy high risk, 1 confirmed case: neural tube defect (NTD) high risk. All women screened were followed up to birth. Conclusion: prenatal screening can improve the detection rate of children with congenital defects and is an effective technical measure to improve the quality of the born population.


Down syndrome screening