中国建设报第2012年4月21日星期六第5580期 刊登了:去年,中天四建设为国家级贫困县——————河北省石家庄市灵寿县捐建了两座希望小学,并设立了“中天集团希望之星奖学金“”。近日,中天四建又为河北民族师范学院捐赠了50万元爱心款,两次捐献均系公司员工个人奉献。图为中于四建的相关负责人参观学院建设情况。
China construction news on Saturday, April 21, 2012 issue 5580 published: last year, zhongtian four construction for the national poverty county -- -- lingshou county, shijiazhuang city, hebei province donated to build two hope primary schools, and set up the "zhongtian group hope star scholarship". Recently, zhongtian sijian donated 500 thousand yuan to hebei normal university for nationalities. In the picture, the person in charge of the fourth construction visited the construction of the college.
The compassion to donate